We consider resources to include the wide range of things we are using to support the various communities we serve. This can be anything with the potential to empower their socio-economic development and wellbeing, as well as environmental sustainability.

Our overriding aim is to empower communities so they themselves can achieve a sustainable future – we strongly believe that the local people can be the solution to many of the challenges they face, particularly young people. All our activities and engagement are in response to the local communities’ needs. By enabling them, remarkable things can happen.

We provide resources that enhance or facilitate the lives of the community people we serve, including those with disabilities. These resources are an integral part of every individual’s development and their community at large.

Some examples of these resources are educational materials for community schools, football equipment for local community teams, financial resources for business entrepreneurship and social enterprise development, and various other socio-economic development activities to promote their development and wellbeing.

We also provide refurbished tools to promote skills training to young people in deprived and disadvantaged communities to promote sustainable livelihood.